Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's amazing the things you're willing to do and the things you won't worry about when you're aligned with God and seek Him first.

When you're aligned with God, nothing seems impossible. With God, all things are possible, right? And nothing is a chore, because we are serving the mighty God who created us. When you're aligned with God, you're humble. You're thinking, "How does God want me to serve this person? To love this person?" You're constantly thinking of ways to brighten one's day. You're greatful. You'll constantly thank God for everything in your life - even the little things!

When you're aligned with God you're in constant prayer and devotion. You can't wait to share with others how He has changed your life! You're compassionate. Your heart breaks for those hurting and lost. You're willing to give everything away just to see one person come to grips with Jesus who lost everything to save them. You encourage others and let them know that they are loved. You teach others all that you've been taught and seek God in everything that you do. Your attitude changes and when you work, you work with everything you've got. You wait on His timing and remind yourself that God is bigger than whatever you're going through.

When you're aligned with God, you boast in your weaknesses and find joy in persecution. Your love pours over to everyone you meet and you're enemies are just people you can pray for and love. Your life is filled with radiant joy and peace. And nothing satisfies you more than to sit in God's embrace and learn more about the one who created you!
Father, please change me to become more and more like You!