Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Send Me!

Isaiah 6:8- "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'"

Okay, so how many of you can hear God? I don't think you can literally hear God, like he's right next to you, but I know at least some of you have heard God somehow in your lives. It might not have been direct, but you still know it's God talking to you. A couple months ago, I was feeling like I couldn't do anything because I was young. Then God gave me 1 Timothy 4:12 which talks about not letting anyone look down on you because you are young, but setting examples for other believers. And literally, in that month, I think I saw that verse at least 10 times in various places. So I knew that God was talking to me. The Lord has various tasks he want to do. And he wants to use us, the people he created. So he says, "Whom shall I send?" Have you ever had a nudge to do something small like encouraging a friend or something big like going to Africa on a missions trip? That's was God's way of saying,"Whom shall I send? Will you go do what I want you to do?" And what do you think I am going to say next? You should say, "Here I am! Send me!" Fulfil God's mission. It is great to know that you were apart of God's plan, and you helped him do something. So the next time you feel a nudge to do something, or you feel like God is calling you, say "Send Me!"