Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly

Micah 6:8b - "And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

I've just bought three bracelets that have sayings on them, "act justly", "love mercy", and "walk humbly". Those bracelets are supposed to remind me of what the Lord requires of me to do, but it's useless if I don't know what they mean...

Act Justly

Just means to be honest and fair. So act justly means to be honest and fair to one another.

Love Mercy

Mercy is to give someone a second chance even if they don't deserve it. So loving mercy is to love to give people second chances.

Walk Humbly

To be humble is not to be proud and arrogant but to think of others before yourselves and to be respectful. To walk humbly is to think of others first all the time and not boast.

If you put those definitions in the verse.... And what does the LORD require of you? To be honest and fair (act justly) and to love to give people second chances (love mercy) and to think of others first (walk humbly) with your God.

It is good to know what the Lord requires of you because then you can go out and do them! Start today, and I will start with you...